The PreLoved Designer Sale : Temperely Top // Prada Heels // Balenciaga Heels // Lanvin Hells
(all can be found at an absolute steal of the original price tag down at this weekends brighton sale)
Sweater // Malene Birger / Top // Meadham Kirchhoff / Knitted Pants // Harley Holley
I have wanted a simple black mohair jumper for silly amounts of time and due to my desperation to get out off the sick sofa and into the sun before whizzing off to my shoot (and with big thanks to The PreLoved Designer Sale) I managed to bag myself one. It's pretty perfect, it's pretty soft and I'm pretty sure I won't be taking it off for quite some time. Though it's not so sunny today don't let it put you off heading down to the Thistle hotel to check it all out, it's running between 10-6 and if you missed out in a few weeks time it will be running again up in Leeds. Whether your wanting to clear space in the wardrobe or fill it up further head over to the see what the fuss is all about (here).