Tuesday, 1 April 2014

outfit // hang up the chick habit.

A while ago I was gifted bundles of beautiful fabrics dating back to the sixties and seventies from my great auntie who I had promised I would make a dress of two from. I thought it was sad that the fabric had never seen more than a second or two of sunshine in its lifetime, so I whipped out my shears  and got to work.

Top and Skirt // Jodie Deakin.
Sunglasses // Celine.

 In ode to the fabric, I chose to work with a vintage pattern which I believe to be dated back to a similar period which I had also been gifted. I decided to make a simple two piece as time wasn't on my side and I wanted to wear it that day on my little debt collectors trip to Harvey Nics. I soon realised I needed a zip - why oh why do I always forget the zip?! A lightbulb moment later I realised I had also been gifted a selection of zips from my Grandma around Christmas time - never have I been so greatful! Two hours later and I was out the door in my crisp new outfit, I realised how much I had missed sewing and knocking together an outfit to wear that day, no matter how simple it may be.